Mortuus Hypnos presents
....the only trv Official Website....
....The most nefarious Game of this decade is on the way....
If you grown tired of at least one of these:
snow flakes,
wokeness, lpg+,
ownNothingAndBeHappy, pebbleNegro,
corpo-paradise, greeedy corpos,
flat market, secret societies,
animal farm, cowid,
shadow councils, manfool apes,
old sand idols and its followers,
cancel anticulture,
fall of morality, shit-tok,
jevtube, our brave new SoCiEtY,
honk-honk world
eco-ev-green-poo, elon must-scam,
word economical formulas,
calhoun utopya, mo'oney'e
Billy G., munsantobayer,
elite pdfiles, false flags,
lobbists, toxic agendas,
keynesian, lack of gold standard,
leftards, rightards,
tramshumanists, sorosians,
redshieldians, stonefeelers,
arachnocapitalists, sons of marx,
reset, 676,
religion zealots, brainrot,
wannabe innovations, low attention span,
If you are reading this, then probably we got Your curiosity.
But do we have Your attention?
If so, allow us to tell You what this is all about.
White Gods Never Die
is a trv rebel game project.
One game against all monstroties you can think about.
No censorship. No remorse. No pardon.
It is also a tribute to classic Dungeon Crawlers,
like DnD, Might & Magic, Ultima...
and many more modern RPG games which came after them.
Games of an age when greed was a shame, not a source of pride.
When DLC, microtransactions, gatcha, early access,
$ubscription, virtual game owning,
always-online single player games
were just a sick bad dream
No, it is not about nostalgia.
Things were really more solid in those days.
Via this game we shall speak for the law and the land
And shall drive the corrupted one out of creating process.
We believe that the real Spark of Imagination and Passion will raise again
Like a Phoenix from the ashes.
But without Monstrous Lightnings and Thunders
The public will never wake up and start thinking.
So here it is first one! Lightning and Thunder!
White Gods Never Die!
And this is not only one to appear
We believe that our Phoenix will awaken others to create their own
And only when a significant number of Phoenixes have burned to ashes
Only then...
Will games once again become the medium of entertainment
And perhaps of knowledge.
But never again medium of propaganda!
This is only a Prelude of
White Gods Never Die
We plan more games under the same title.
But as the elder saying goes...
...When man plans, the Gods laugh...
White Gods Never Die
- Prelude
is a RPG game
that tells the story of a young lad lost in a medieval world,
in a society created by humans who no longer resemble humans.
Only a shell of humanoids is left of them,
but their drives and goals are beyond any horrors.
And unfortunately, yes, you guessed it,
the best of the best and the most virtuous are in charge there,
the same as here.
During his journey, the young lad will encounter things that resemble our world.
But these things are much more terrifying than reality.
But are they really like that?
Are they so much worse, unreachable and more imaginative?
It is up to the player to decide which atrocities are closer and which are not.
Key features:
* Both hands can be controlled independently of each other Mix attacks as you like
* 8-Directional attack system
* Runic Magic - draw to cast spell
* Write to talk - Write to cast spell
* No plot armor for characters - any character can evaporate, but always with consequences, so be careful who you fight with
* Left & Right gloves matters no you can't wear left glove on the right hand
* A world setting, which people haven't seen for long time
Demo on
..Soon to be seen here..
Demo on Steam:
..Soon to be seen here..
Official Website of the Mortuus Hypnos Games Studio:
:You like our idea?:
Here you can press "F" to pay respect
To Phone Travellers: You can pay respect by tapping logo below!
Respect paid:
Here you can buy us a coffee
We can never have enough coffee.
Do you remember The Boston Coffee Party?
(yea, it was tea but nevermind)
We need this kind of quantity to achieve our honourable goals.
Wanna have a word with us?
by Mortuus Hypnos